Hormones And Health

This will be brief. You will do yourself good to learn more about our hormone changes as we age. Women having periods have loads of estrogen coursing through our veins, and this is needed during childbearing years.

Post menopause in women creates a lower estrogen levels, yet we do need some estrogen to be healthy. Here is a weblink to naturally increase your total estrogen.


Try food first, before supplementation. If you are on replacement therapy, read the side effects and be clear about the risks. You do not have to take these for the rest of your life. Naturally, getting off medications, you will begin to feel some of the original symptoms you were trying to get rid of. Take it slow, follow your doctor’s advice, and use food as medicine!


Unsolicited Advice And The Unconscious Mind


Thyroid Problems And FLC (Feel Like Crap) Syndrome