Self Care Tips

Self Care Tips

  • Sit quietly, notice your breath. Find length in your spine by sitting on the edge of the chair. Close your eyes. Imagine you have a paint brush, or a pencil attached to your crown. Begin to write your name in script on the ceiling. Pause. Start with small loopy letters, then advance to larger loopy letters. Find a way to make the movements travel down your spine as you make the letters larger. Stay within your comfort zone. If you feel discomfort or hear a lot of crackles or clicking, do less, sit taller and begin again. Pause and notice your neck. What does it feel like now? How would you describe it? I feel…..

  • Sitting comfortably in your chair, allow the weight of your tail to drop further into the seat. Notice your breath. With each breath, allow any tension you are aware of to release. Feel your belly expand and contract with each breath. Now sit on the edge of the chair. Start with dropping your tail and allowing your belly to relax. Pause. Put weight in your feet, mostly in your heels, encouraging a lift in your sternum. As you breathe in, imagine your lungs filling with air. As you exhale, the air comes out a beautiful color. Pause. Pretend your knees are like pistons in a car engine. Pause. Slowly move the right knee forward ever so slightly, then the left and repeat. This motion will loosen the low back and hips. Roll your pelvis forward and back, staying within your comfort zone. Slowly rise out of your chair and sit back down again. Imagine you have a dog’s tail and wag it slowly. Increase in size and speed as you wish if it is comfortable. If you have discomfort, do less! Continue with these movements, randomly mixing them up. Pause and memorize what you are feeling. Can you name it?

  • Sit quietly on the edge of the chair. Notice your breath. Allow your hands to rest on the top of your legs, palms facing down. Start with one hand only. Edge your hand toward the outside of your thigh, until it slides off. There is a point where the weight will make it fall. Pause and repeat several times. Let it hang, feel the weight of your hand and pause after it has fallen. Pause. Feel the weight of your hand, your rings, your watch, your fingernails. Feel the weight of your whole hand as you lift it slowly back to the top of your leg. Repeat on the other side. Feel the drop! Pause and notice any new feelings of relaxation. What could be lighter, freer? Allow your arms to float above your head, and conduct a symphony, or a piece of music you know. How could the movements be more beautiful. Pause, return to quiet.

  • In a seated position, cross your ankle over your knee. If you cannot reach it, skip this one for now, and call me, I will give you some modifications. If you can reach your foot, proceed to take off your shoe, even if you are at work! This is your self-care moment! Allow both hands to softly envelop your foot. Pause. Paint a color gently over the top and bottom of your foot. Feel for the bony prominences and the soft areas. Allow your hands to form fit over the foot as you begin to paint toward the knee. Pause and begin again. This time feel for movement of the toes and the balls of your feet. Avoid massaging, but if that is what you know and are comfortable with, do it! Put your foot down and pause, and after you feel the difference, repeat on the other side. Explore range and movements that are unique to your ankle, softly, gently. Pause, place your foot on the floor and compare the two. Repeat on the second side. Stand and slowly walk around the chair, feeling the softness of each step. What could be easier?

  • Allow your hands to rest on your lap. Notice your breath. Become aware of your surroundings, the sights, the smells, the sounds. While reading this, allow your vision to soften. Keeping your eyes lowered beneath the screen in front of you, notice what is in your peripheral awareness. Without moving your eyes, do you notice the desk? The whole desk? Part of it? Can you see your clothing? A co-worker’s area? The carpet? Allow yourself to shift your weight back and forth on the chair, and side to side. Shake out any tension you are having. Pause. Place your fingertips or palms lightly on your eyes lids and breathe deeply. What are you noticing in your body? Name your sensations that you become aware of. Pause. Return hands to your lap, and rest. Enjoy your breath.

  • Sit quietly with your hands resting on your lap. Feel the weight of one hand then the other. Press your hand into your leg, then release. Then the other. Bring your hands together allowing them to float upward. Look at your palms, and the backs of your hands. As if you have never seen them before, begin to move each finger separately. What is this? What can it do? Completely let go of knowing what your hands can do. Use one hand to move the other and switch. Shake them out as if you are shaking water off the fingertips. Pause. Allow them to rest on your lap again. What do you notice now? What is different?

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