LIVING WELL: Immune System Support

Our immune system is dependent on our living well. Living well means that we are choosing health regularly, daily, in the moment. As i age, this becomes a full time job! Mostly because cellular recovery slows as we age. And also because I never fully healed things that have been long broken or malfunctioning within me. Finding the path to heal myself. is the journey of LIVING WELL.

As you know, I rely on a holistic breadth of information in my own healing path, and for those that I encounter in my private practice. As this science gives me valuable information, I am reminded that the body of knowledge is growing everyday. Science is never a final fact, but leads us to more questions. There are trends, and patterns that we can count on, but always know there are variables, that may change the initial information.

I am connected to every aspect of life. What I do, think, and feel reaches the stars. I choose to see the current situation on the BIG screen, but not get stuck in it. I choose to look at the lessons learned for my own actions, staying open to ideas and events; I do my best to avoid judgment and guilt. My feelings inform me.

My immune system surveys constantly, within me to look for foreign bodies, that mean to survive. These foreign bodies, i.e. pollen, dust, mold, COVID etc, challenge our systems into action. WIthout asking, we have a team initiating preventive health within us at all times. Health is not merely the absence of disease, but a vitally engaged system that includes a healthy immune response. Resilience is needed during a crisis. In order to have an ‘AVANT GAURD” immune response, ready to assist, we must daily choose health.

the choices I make daily, regarding diet, movement, thoughts and how I spend my time, support my immune system by caring for myself, loving myself enough to take the time. I am worth it, and so are you. .

Nature provides us with ealthy food, for a healthy body and mind


Upcoming February Classes With Judy


LIVING WELL: Earth Day, 50 Years Of Greening The Earth!