Side lying Options for You

Sleeping positions matter. When working with clients, I want them to find the most comfortable position. Many times that is on their side. I love the handles I find on the shoulder, hip and knee. Even the head and neck are accessible.

If you are uncomfortable on your back during any type of bodywork session, ask if it would be possible to lie on your sides for the session. Or if you don’t like to be face down in the cradle (I do not use one), ask for side lying.

If you are a massage therapist and want to learn to add this to your repertoire, I am teaching a local class in Cols, Oh, May 3-5, 2025. You will have new skills to offer your clients, and send them home feeling empowered with this option.

side lying position for massage and trager

Side lying is so comfortable, you will instantly relax.

Look at the smile on that face!


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