Happy Interdependence Day~Take The Pledge

In America, we celebrate our independence on July 4th, but  I am wondering how healthy this independence really is?  I am very independent, and I am able to exist on my own, without a doubt. However, learning to live in relationship to others is my biggest challenge! Keep reading, there is a new way to think about this... Professionally, as a nurse, I am confident as a leader, a teacher, and confidant.  I practice independently in clinical settings and as a nursing instructor.

As a friend I am all those things as well except I interact more on an equal plane. This trait~equality ~is an interdependent skill.  The relationship is ~ mutual~  giving and receiving.

In my family roles (grandmother,mother, sister, aunt) the roles are murky, as all of us are testing the boundary waters of emotionality, striving for independence yet wanting to stay connected with respect to our differences. Love is the healing and soothing bond that unites us.  We consciously commit to be connected.

As spouse, the emotional watery world of commitment tests these boundaries even further.

So personally, the idea of interdependence is challenging.

Let's admit it, we need others. We have blinders on, and cannot see all sides of a situation when creating change in the world.  We also need others to celebrate with , to grieve and to play.  Being independent is important, but INTERDEPENDENCE gives us autonomy with others.  Wake  up America!


 Declaration of Interdependence

We, the people of Planet Earth, in recognition of the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of the balance of nature; hereby acknowledge our interdependence on all that is and affirm our dedication to life-serving environmental stewardship, the fulfillment of universal human needs worldwide, economic and social well-being, and a culture of peace and compassion; to ensure a sustainable and harmonious world for present and future generations.

I pledge allegiance to the Earth and the Land on which I stand. Many nations, many names for GOD, interdependently, with liberty, justice and abundance for all.

(JF 2006)



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