“Vibrating Through my whole cellular matrix!”

I ask for descriptive terms after a session. Often folks say they feel lighter, more relaxed, heavier, spread out, fluffed up or “my leg has disappeared”, or “no more pain, anywhere, I cannot believe it!” But last week a client said they were “vibrating through their whole cellular matrix”, and I thought: that was the first time a client told me that! And I understand exactly what they meant! There is a feeling of effervescence that arises within the tissue during and after a session.

The sensory aspect of rocking, jostling, jiggling and experiencing a larger range of motion increases circulation, lymph drainage and the immune response is heightened. I believe there is a sensory awareness of fluid moving through the body after a session, into vessels and capillaries that are now feeling the rush of interstitial fluid into parts of our bodies (including our cells) that have been more compressed or tight from tension.

Is this what is felt? I think a resounding YES! I know, because I have felt it myself. Sometimes I describe it as bubbly like champagne, or a feeling of lightness or even airy-ness. If you have had this feeling, close your eyes and recall it. It will return, because it is in your memory. Enjoy!


Sensational Touch


Upcoming Classes 2025