Urge To Push
In childbirth, there is a point when the baby is ready to come, and women have the "urge to push". While having a Trager session from a colleague the other day, I noticed the subtle tendency in my wrist...an old pattern of wanting to help or resist...a certain pushing motion that was just under the conscious level. It was not even noticeable to the practitioner, it was that subtle. But I recognized it.
The awareness of this subtle tension made me think of the years of "striving" to get things done...to do more than to simply "be". This pattern is so deeply ingrained in me. I notice this and let it go. My tingling hands and fingers have improved. Unraveling the holding patterns at this level, more potential will be released.
There is a fine line between allowing something to be and making something happen. It is an openness, rather than a tension. It is the pause between the in and out breath. A subtle, yet necessary pause needs to occur.
Practicing the art of letting go is what Dr. Trager offered us. In our movement practice, we pay attention to the weight, the swing, the rhythm... and the holding on melts. Having a daily practice takes diligence.
According to Webster: You're more likely to be diligent about something if you love doing it. The etymology of "diligent" reflects the fact that affection can lead to energetic effort. The word, which entered English in the 14th century by way of Anglo-French, descends from the Latin verb "diligere," meaning "to value or esteem highly" or "to love." Of course, you don’t need to care for the task at hand in order to be diligent, but it certainly does help!
Creating the feeling of affection and energy towards our self care is a great addition to our health care choices. A daily Mentastics Movement practice of letting go will increase this feeling, and allow movement through unconscious holding patters. Once this occurs, freedom to be fully present is ours.
In Inspiration