Transition Story

I am a LPN and a RN student, and Judy Fasone was my preceptor for my community nursing clinical last week. I spent the day with her visiting various places in the Columbus community, asking questions, and learning as much as I could about working as a independent home health provider, and the different types of paper work. She was very helpful, and I shared with her what I knew from my little bit of researching. Something that I shared with Judy early on, was how my Grandma Windfeldt  knew she was dying of cancer in 2003. So I went out to visit her and my grandmother walked me around showing me that she had put labels on every thing containing names of family members. She did this to prepare ahead. She also took my wife and I to her family doctor, to learn about her cancer, and to let us know she was ok with knowing she was going to die. My grandmother did not take chemo, instead she took some CAM to help with pain, and was able to walk around the block almost every day up until about two weeks before she died. cape cod berkshires 2012 014 My Grandma Windfeldt, also had one thing she told me that I hope never to forget and will pass along.. She said " a little bit of kindness goes a long way".

Kurt Windfeldt, LPN (American Institute of Alternative Medicine RN Program student)

Thanks Kurt for this story. I wonder how many of us consciously move toward our death?

How does one prepare for this life transition? Many choose not to be conscious about it, never discussing their wishes with their family.  Kurt's family was included in his grandmothers ending.  Is it time to talk to your family about their or your inevitable passing?  What are your plans?

In Inspiration


Quieting The Mind


Borborygmus Bor-Buh-RIG-Mus