Tools for relating
“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be ”
Relationship skills are learned overtime, usually by trial and error. Could somatic therapy enhance your relationships? Definitely.
Our bodies say a lot. Candice Pert, and renown scientist, wrote one of my favorite books: Molecules of Emotion, in 1997. She identified the connection between emotions and health. At that time, neurotransmission was new science. She believed the body is the unconscious mind. I know this to be true, because every client that gets deeply relaxed on my table, shares memories, they have long forgotten, related to events, injuries, traumas that deeply impacted them.
Our emotions create responses. We are a somatosensory being. In our earliest rendition, the body was created to naturally protect us. Patterns we learned when an insult occurred in the moment or over time to keep us safe, often end up causing us deterioration as we age. We also take on guarded or shielded ways of expressing movement and eye contact. How do we face others? Are we open to new people, new ideas? Is it easy to let others in?
Patterns exist in our body, that may no longer be useful. I wonder what deep longings and memories exist in me that are holding me back, or propel me forward…hmmm?