The Nature Of You

The natural world calls me before I get out of bed each morning. I want to get up and go outside! Today it is raining, and since the window was open a couple inches all night I hear the raindrops falling softly and smell the air. There is a swish sound when a car rolls by over the wet leaves. It is 7 am. My first thought is taking a walk! Really!

I don’t always do it, but out I go on a good day, before breakfast. Down to the river and trough the woods..not to my Grandmothers house, but to the home of all of us…a riverbank is a beautiful home. The Earth graces us with ease and beauty everywhere I turn!

I invite you to join me in loving Nature through experiences, and reaping the benefits of the land. I volunteered to begin a series of beginning backpack trips. As a member of Columbus Outdoor Pursuits (COP), I will be facilitating a Meet Up for women who want to start backpacking. We will meet at COP headquarters downtown in January for a couple hours, just to imagine what it could be. Scroll down for the details and go to to learn more and register. You do not have to be a member to join us. If you want to be outside more, with like-minded women, who are learning the ropes, this is the place, this is the time. We will build to a 2 day overnight excursion, over the course of 4 months in 2020. You will have support in learning about Ohio trails, equipment, safety, and the large community of outdoor enthusiasts at your fingertips.

Filling myself in this way regularly balances out the indecencies of my life. The pain and suffering of those I care for: friends, family, clients, all sentient beings; and for my own~what do I do with all this suffering? I give it back to the Earth in moments like these early morning walks by the Scioto River.

Your inner Nature is calling…

Women's Beginner Backpacking Group Meetup

This event is planned to introduce women who have never or who are brand new to backpacking to gain confidence and skill building in the back country. We will discuss dates for a series of skill building hikes for the group, building from a long day hike to a 2 night overnight trip in March. Come and help set the timing and pace for new backpackers. (Dates may be adjusted with groups input.) 

Instructors: Judy Fasone & Cheryl Rapose

Level: Beginners & Newbies

LocationColumbus Outdoor Pursuits

Address1193 S. Front Street




Starts on1/12/2020 1:00 PM

Ends on1/12/2020 3:00 PM


Common Sense


The Amazon Is Burning!