Pain Is A Message
Our bodies are amazing! They do not lie. When we have pain, it is a clear communication. Our body is telling us something is wrong, and we had better pay attention! Pain is your body yelling at you to change something: NOW. Aging is not an excuse for pain. I choose to say "I am getting older", rather than "I am old". The truth of the first statement allows me to then choose what I do with my body that is getting older. How will I move? What movements are comfortable, strengthening? What shall I eat? How does my body feel with certain people? I also have noticed I am much more flexible and stronger than 10,20 or even 30 years ago! So my physical, mental and emotional Self is improving. Not very many folks can say that at 63. We all know 80,90 and 100 year old people that are out there enjoying life, even running marathons. What are your beliefs on aging?
Pain may be manifested from physical, emotional or spiritual trauma. This includes surgeries, abuse, neglect, accidents and other frightening experiences we have in our lives. Each person's perception of the event at the time plays a role as well, determining the extent in which the trauma is felt or repressed. We unveil the event when we have the time and safety net to process it. Pain may also keep us from moving. If we ignore it long enough, it degrades our lifestyle, and our bones, creating inflammation that will ruin our organs as well.
Candace Pert, (2000), wrote a book entitled:Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind. Her research discovered opiate receptor sites (pleasure pathways) on the spinal cord and the brain. Before her research, scientists thought the receptors were only in the brain cells. Not so, according to Pert. There are many opiate receptors along the spinal column as well as in the brain, so if we are not moving regularly and with ease, our pleasure diminishes and our bodies stiffen, creating a viscous cycle that is hard to break.
The physical body shares the secrets of the unconscious mind through movement patterns. At times, an injury may heal physically, and still continues to be painful, even though everything looks in order according to x-rays, MRI's and physician's exams. Emotional content that has not been process as well as compensation patterns play a role here.
If we did not work through the emotion of a traumatic event, our body automatically postpones the suffering of the heart and diverts the suffering to physical pain. By not feeling the true emotional weight of the event we carry on with our lives, burying the memory of the event. but it does not go away. In this case, the pain we feel may need to be ferreted out with support. In my experience of my own suffering and helping others heal, the deeper the hurt and pain, the more support is needed. The earlier the event was in our life, the longer it may take to heal.
Hidden trauma is uncovered when we are in a relaxed state. Dreams often reveal deeper meaning to our lives, if we pay attention to them. There are many pathways to regain full use of your body. Experiencing the deep relaxation of a Trager session will help you sleep more deeply and notice tension patterns earlier. This approach is one of many complementary and alternative ways to heal. Working together in the session, you control the direction, pace and content. Set an intention, and we will explore together.