Mentastics In May

You are invited to attend my Mentastics in May class , focused on facilitation. Come for all 3 days or just one ... What is facilitation?

“Facilitation is challenging work that calls forth a range of emotions’. It also involves certain values and ways of treating people Each of us has our own style and approach-and it is that uniqueness, that realness, that makes our contribution possible.” Roger Schwartz

We will explore:

• Individual Mentastics • Partnering with a client • Leading a group An excerpt from the class: The primary responsibility for learning lies within the participant. This is different that a more traditional model, where the teacher takes some of the responsibility for the students learning.

Using a Holistic Model, in alignment with the Trager Approach, we want to remember to work with the whole person. Facilitation becomes a holistic intervention according to John Herron.

Sign up for the class and learn more! We will be using some techniques I have developed that I call: Embodying the Learning... no more sitting for long periods and becoming numb...let's feel the new knowledge and dance with it!

May 21-23, 2010 Call me for more info!

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In The Name Of Balance


Congruency And Consistency