Integrative Nurse Coaching: I Am The Change!
"Judy is a nurse entrepeneur, having started her own home health care company. She integrates complementary therapies into the work she has been doing with me. Judy is a certified Trager practitioner. If you have never had a Trager session, do youself a favor and sign up asap. Trager is this very gentle body work that involves rocking the body parts in such a way that your body gois into perfect alignment. Trager also teaches mentastics, which is a type of body movement that brings us back to how good we felt in our bodies as babies. I credit her with getting me off narcotic pain medication. Judy is also doing health coaching with me. It is a structured way to get clients to identify problems and then set realistic goals to overcome the problems. We were trained to do something similar in nursing, but her tools and techniques take it to the next level and really get the client involved in setting their own goals. " MG, Nurse Practitioner, Client
Thanks Molly for this great commendation. I am happy you are doing so well and want to help me share the benefits of Trager.
I am particularly interested in helping our Nursing Community become as healthy as they wish to be. Nursing is challenging to say the least. For as many benefits we have, there are twice as many stressors. Or at least it feels that way! As an Integrative Nurse Coach, I feel empowered to help all my clients to improve their lives in the direction they want to grow. I would love to work intentionally with nurses to help them integrate alternative approaches into their nursing practice. Nurses, please care for yourselves as well as you take care of others. This is the way the health care system will improve tremendously! I feel we are on the verge of major shifts in our Health Care Industry, and I am ready for these changes! I am a part of the change! I am the change.
In Inspiration