Doing A Demo

Here are some tips for demos, taken from a flyer I received from SMA (Sohnen Moe Associates, the Business Mastery folks). As a facilitator, I have access to lesson plans, inspirational info etc...check their website ) I have paraphrased their suggestions to make them more Trager applicable...and from my own experience. 1) Whenever possible, do demonstrations with a colleague, so that one person can be talking while the other is performing the demonstration or moving through the room. 2) Always check your equipment and supplies beforehand. Bring flyers, handouts, business cards and a sign in sheet. Include snail and email address space.Use this list to promote your excellent practice, or a newsletter for your clients. 3) Create a demo kit that is stuffed and ready to go, complete with the above. 4) Allot sufficient time to set up and assemble displays. be flexible in your demonstration plan. The audience may not be dressed appropriately for certain activities or may be limited in their ability to physically participate. Sitting in chairs or getting up and down form a seated position is something everyone can do. (ok, you may do a demo with a group in wheel chairs) 5) Do things sequentially. Coordinate the demonstration with handouts, transparencies or posters that illustrate what you are doing. There are many learning styles...a variety will meet everyone's needs. 6) Invite the group to stand up and surround the demonstration area so everyone can see 7) If a volunteer is unable to do what you ask, change your approach, alter your pace or use different language. Be affirming. 8) Make the volunteer feel at ease and reinforce his/her self-esteem by saying something like, "It takes a while to master this" "As you continue with these technique, you will notice vast improvement" 8) Be prepared with a contingency plan in case a demonstration goes awry 9) Practice talking and working as the same time 10) Distribute sample practice items for the group to work with while you are demonstrating. For example, if you are showing people how to massage their pets, pass out stuffed animals that they can rub. 11) Use toys as teaching toys. I always carry bean bags to help people feel the weight and slinkies to make a point about spinal articulation. Hula hoops are great fun and liven up a class. People remember that. 12) Add a seed circle statement or a line in your business plan about how many demos you want to do this year. How about at least one every quarter? I went over my records fro tax purpose recently , and I demo'd for approximately 75 persons last year at 6 separate events, ranging from 1-3 hours. I have a goal to do a demo or networking event monthly, an intro quarterly, 2 Mentastics classes, and 2 supervised practice days, all events filled to capacity. What are your goals for 2006? Enjoy the process! Judy

In Inspiration, Trager Tips, Reflections on Health and Wellness


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