Aging Gracefully And Beautifully

Françoise Sagan once wrote, “There is a certain age when a woman must be beautiful to be loved, and then there comes a time when she must be loved to be beautiful.” Our lives are precious. Health and beauty go hand in hand. As we age, do we allow ourselves our own pace? Keeping in step with others takes it's toll.

Accepting our aging process is paramount. We feel young, but our bodies do age. My mother even stated "I feel like a young person in an old shell". I remember the difficulties her aging body had, even though she found being an artist and winning County Fair ribbons for her creations exciting and life fulfilling in her 70's.

Is it time to slow down? It doesn't mean we have to quit...just find new ways of moving. Being more conscious of our movement, making a commitment to walk 1-2 miles a day. Build strength and flexibility slowly, but consistently.

Be gentle and be beautiful. Find your own is connected to grace! Ask yourself, how can I move more gracefully, and it will happen!  Sometimes we need a little help slowing down.  The Trager® Approach teaches us to pause and learn to love our lives again through movement.

Through July and August, I am offering two sessions for the price of one. Let's get moving!

In Inspiration


Trekking In Ireland And Summer Session Special


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