KAI=Change ZEN=For The Better!
It is February, and with the current thaw here in Columbus, I have been spending more time out of doors. Sunrise brings birdsong outside my window each morning. With the increased energy of brighter days, I can walk to the local coffee shop, instead of drive. Happily I hear and read about corporations and government entities holding themselves accountable. I have been waiting to hear good news like this for a long time. I feel relieved with the change of governmental regime, and daily see positive change toward the greater good reported in the media. Today for example, in Mother Jones magazine, the editor was getting ready to write and article slamming the corporate officers of a billion dollar clothing business for giving themselves million dollar raises last year, even after the government bailout they received. In the next sentence she wrote that she read in the NY Times that the Board of Directors of that particular corporation put a freeze on raises for the year. Even though the top paying salary was already at $68 million per year, I felt that in their freeze was a new consciousness of some kind, and that in itself is enough for me. It wasn't demanded of them, it was done willingly.
I wonder how Trager sessions would cellurlarly change those corporate and govenment leaders? How can we reach them? Trager is just one way to wake people up, and definately a peaceful and pleasurable one.
Last year, I developed a class entitled the HEART OF ETHICS , and taught it under supervision on the East Coast in October. Thisclass was approved as an official Trager class elective on Jan. 24, 09. I am now entitled to offer Continuing Ed Units, to Trager members as well as LMT's (Massage Therapists) and RN's. Since all professional disciplines need continuing ed. hours for this topic, I will be able to share the Trager approach with them, as it is woven into this rather heady topic. Opening the class to other disciplines may help bridge the gap that exists between traditional and alternative modalities. The Ethics class is taught with interactive, improvisational energy, as well as movement.
In addition, my recent winter solitude and soul-searching resulted in the decision to go forward with Trager Instructor Training. As many of you know, I am certified to teach Mentastics, and now the Ethics elective. Becoming an Instructor will allow me to teach the core curriculum, and I am looking forward to the self development that goes along with this training track. The process is a long one beginning with more assisting, getting recommendations, and 6 day seminar in Germany in October. If all that goes as planned, I will be offering a Level one under supervision next year here in Columbus, with the help of the local Class Organizer.
I am telling you all this, because Dr. Trager imagined that his clients and students would benefit from this work. He was right. The Trager approach is an individualized series of sessions, that gently rocks your world. In one session, it is estimated you will be rocked over 5,000 times. If this doesn't improve your sense of well being, then go back for a second session!
With greater freedom comes greater responsibility...Starhawk
In Inspiration