Winter Is For Resting!
In Ohio, it's time to put bulbs in the ground for spring color. Symbolically, these bulbs hold their life force deep within, and must be planted at a depth that is 3 times their size for optimum results. This morning I finished a new bed of daffodils, tulips, allium, hyacinths (grape and standard size). I put chicken wire on top so the squirrels will not have a feast, and about 4-6 inches of dirt and leaves. I tamped them down by walking over them. With each bulb, I encouraged them to burrow down deep and added blessing for all that live near by who will enjoy their beauty. Winter is a time of rest, and bulbs that bloomed last spring are using the downtime to store up nutrients for the spring bloom. How much time do we take for ourselves in the winter? My thanksgiving was willed with gratitude for the abundance in my life. Gratitude raises endorphins and enkephalins, increasing serotonin and norepinephrine. These nuerotransmitters help us feel calm and peaceful as we settle in for our long winter's nap. Turkey and milk are naturally loaded with tryptophan, which helps us feel sleepy , and are often used as sleep aids.
The shortest day will soon be upon us on the Winter Solstice around December 21st. It is a sacred time: the sun will return, and the days will be longer soon. It is the reason we bring in the green and light our homes, to counter the darkness and long winter nights. The darkness is conducive to sleeping and is a less active time of year. Feed yourself lots of root vegetables and soups or stews. Since we are not moving as much, we might want to consider eating less to avoid the extra pounds that often accompany the special, traditional foods we love to share.
“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” ― John Steinbeck,
In Inspiration