2009 Travels: Pontissieve, Italy
9/27/09 OPENING LINES OF GRATITUDE IN MOTION I notice a drop of water building to a drop on my blanket outside my sleeping space. The sun is reflecting a thousand images, including me as I put my glasses on to see the holographic multi-verse inside. The drop falls to the ground, in a split second, I saw it, and almost missed it with my writing.
I do not always notice such changes in nature, but for the next few weeks, that is what I wish to do, so here it is.
These writings are primarily for me. It is for me to deepen my awareness of my relationship to myself and to my world. It is about timelessness and openness. Enjoy!
Today I am remembering how fortunate I am able to take such a long period of down time...my own resting time. I really worked hard last tear, and now living off my savings, in order to be present here with time to explore my inner and outer world. I have 5 weeks planned. And the next 3 weeks, the plan is to not plan! Some days it was hard to be with me, and I had time to process events and write about them, and see them shift and soften within me. Then, I was ok with me again! The relationship we have with our self takes time also. Time without any interruptions...
I notice a drop of water building to a drop on my blanket outside my sleeping space. The sun is reflecting a thousand images, including me as I put my glasses on to see the hologram inside. The drop falls to the ground, in a split second, I saw it, and almost missed it with my writing.
I do not always notice such changes in nature, but for the next few weeks, that is what I wish to do.
These writings are primarily for me. It is for me to deepen my awareness of my relationship to myself and to my world. It is about timelessness and openness. Enjoy!
My colleague and friend Adele Landise, lives in a 15th century refurbished mill about 30 K outside of Florence, in Pontassieve. Ponta: bridge, and Sieve: River. The Sieve is the ARNO, one of the largest waterways across Italy.
On a hillside, deep in a valley, she offers me a space to sleep and tend a small outside fire at night. For the first week, this is my ritual: sleeping until 8, down to their house for coffee and fruit, a long walk in the hills, and back to do some writing. Around noon, it warms up enough to sit outside and write about the Gratitude in Motion. (More about this later) Lunch is around 2 usually pasta, althouh I am choosing to stick to veggies and fruit, them to the pool at the local rustic hotel about a mile away. Many afternoons Adele, Tory (her sister) and I took a few hours to relax by the pool, overlooking vineyards and olive trees,and huge bushes of Rosemary in bloom. In the evenings I made a small fire and sat, sometimes alone, sometimes with others....
To be continued...Judy
In Inspiration